HackNITR 4.0

HackNITR 4.0


Hackathon Timeline

Registration starts

09 November 2022

09:00 AM IST

Registration ends

08 January 2023

11:59 PM IST

Hackathon starts

06 January 2023

09:00 PM IST

Hackathon ends

08 January 2023

11:45 AM IST

Talks and other events

Build leaner applications using utility-as-a-service by Apyhub

This will be an workshop on Building leaner applications using utility-as-a-service by Apyhub.


06 January 2023

07:00 PM IST

Build Scalable Decentralized Applications on Shardeum

A workshop on building Scalable Decentralized Applications on Shardeum


07 January 2023

11:00 AM IST

Intro to Open Source by Quine

Intro to Open Source by Quine

07 January 2023

12:30 PM IST

The Journey of an EdTech Startup

The Journey of an EdTech Startup


07 January 2023

06:00 PM IST

A first Smart Contract on Tezos

Workshop on a first Smart Contract on Tezos


07 January 2023

07:00 PM IST